Category Archives: Opinion

MIDI to MP3 Converter & Shareware Software

While searching and testing for good technical posts, here is another opinion one. Today I was searching for free software for convert MIDI to MP3. Yes, the old MIDI files because I want to have music in a website but I don’t want to violate copyrights. Then I found a website that has some free music with authorization to use. However they are, some of them, MIDI files.

Every time I search for a software to use one time or rarely, I’ve lots of problems like the lack of freeware to do it, shareware software that are commercial but work worst than free solution, and, the most “pain in the ass” the software classified as shareware that don’t fit the term shareware and don’t allow us to use it, allowing only convert a percent of the file or convert but don’t save the result.

Hopefully there are some companies and some products that don’t take us for fouls and don’t want money to use one time or to really test the software. In my journey to convert a MIDI file to MP3 I found the product Easy MIDI Converter from They allow us to convert 30 files, in a maximum of 5 in the same time, with good quality and a very simple interface without to configure hundreds of options like other solutions. It solved my problem. Despite I don’t want to buy the software I liked it and went to its website and I found some other cool features. This is what I think that shareware is for.

Thanks to

Amazing thin notebook

Recently Apple has presented MacBook Air. This amazing thin notebook is a really good piece of work and proves that we can do better in many technology matters. I always listen all people say, Japan is known because they can take a product and reinvent it. This time, Apple shown that they can reinvent. They’ve transformed a standard notebook in really portable device maintaining all its key features by exploring and rethinking the existent and tested high tech.

Greetings to Apple for its good job and its amazing product. Now I hope that other great notebook manufacturers like Sony and Toshiba, that I like pretty much, follow the example.

Here stay this amazing thin computer.

MacBook Air - Thin notebook

See more on Apple website