The search engines are the primary source of visitor to a web site. This engines have some crawlers that analyse our blog frequently and check our content. However, the content is not everything. One thing that matter to the spiders (name called to the engines that analyse our site) is the web site url’s. Like i said in WordPress blogs SEO, this engines don’t like query strings with many parameters and give more importance to first keywords in url.
WordPress have some fields that must be used to provide a crawler and user friendly urls. The called post slug and category slug can be filled with url friendly names that are well parsed by the crawlers. For example, if we create a post with the title like “WordPress Slug fields and permalinks”, wordpress will transform in a postname for url “wordpress-slug-fields-and-permalinks”, this if we have our permalink well optimized. With this slug fields we can set the best keywords reducing the url size and rising the crawlers position. In this post i set my post slug to “slug-permalink”, making the url with the keywords wanted with wordpress (category), slug and permalink.
Using this fields and with a optimized permalink strcture and a good category organization we can rise our index pontuation and, who knows, get more visitors.