With the evolution of the Internet and virtual world the marketing has become in new and interactive solutions that capture the watcher attention and incentive him to participate.
Web Marketing is a new age where brands can be more close to the client and surround him in the world of its campaigns. The interactivity offered by Rich Interactive Applications (RIA), available in the new information age, turns the client from a watcher to a player or a character that participates in the campaign.
The possibility to interact in the campaign allows the watcher to easily recommend the campaign to his friends, making the term “viral marketing” a reality with a publicity made by your own clients and/or visitors.
In the last year there were several campaigns that reflect this new age of marketing. Here I’ll show and describe different types of campaigns made in 2007.
Na tua casa ou na minha? – Montepio Geral (Portugal)

A Portuguese bank called “Montepio Geral” launched a campaign to show how simple its mortgages solutions are. They intended to build a TV and web campaign.
The first step was to choose a good slogan and the one was “Na tua casa ou na minha?” (“In your place or in mine?”), trying to let the watchers mind fly to sexual intention, at least in the Portuguese expression. With the slogan and a piece of the campaign, a provocative piece, they launched a web campaign exploring the viral marketing by showing online the campaign even before the TV to all visitors that have seen and recommend the web site. The video of the campaign was published in the YouTube being available to the public and making part of the web campaign.
The web site of the campaign is no longer online but the URL http://www.natuacasaounaminha.com takes the visitor to the mortgages page of the bank.
Gamebox – Sporting (Portugal)
In this campaign we enter in a more interactive world, where the Gamebox web campaign from the world wide known soccer team Sporting, allows the web site visitor to be part of the campaign.

The “Gamebox” campaign asks your name and phone number and starts the campaign movie. The movie shows all players, some of them international and shows the coach waiting for someone. After a while the coach makes a phone call. For your surprise the visitors phone (the same you gave to the campaign) starts ringing. When you answer, the coach, Paulo Bento, start talking with you saying that they’re waiting for you and your presence is important. If you don’t answer the phone, the behavior of the coach is different.
This type of interactive campaign is a way to mark the visitor and call his attention to the product, even if he don’t buy, he will not forget it so soon.
The interactive version of the campaign is no longer available but the standard trailer still at: http://www.sporting.pt/Servicos/Gamebox/Gameboxvideo.asp
“Fight for kisses” – Wilkinson (International)
The last example is a fully interactive campaign with a game, a trailer and some goodies to enter visitors mind and shows the product advantages. A campaign based on a full history, have a meaning and a purpose. This campaign started in 2007 but still going this year.
This campaign is a fully Rich Interactive Application (RIA) that shows the baby’s fighter world. It has a story, a really good movie animation campaign, some goodies and a great game that allows the visitor to fight for a cause and take the campaign spirit.

Check more about this campaign on another post of this blog.